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Job Lecture Series from Dr. Abner Chou

I realize this post is from 6 years ago, but as of 8/10/2021, I am taking this project back on and will finish this fall, Lord willing! Check back and I will update this note with the complete notes.

Over the next few months I will be posting the lecture notes from a class Dr. Chou teaches at The Master’s College on the book of Job. I’ve found the lectures extremely helpful, so I’m going back through them and copying down the relevant notes.

Job is greatly misunderstood by both layman and scholar alike, and yet I think it is the most significant book in your Bible. Because Job isn’t just about a suffering man; it’s about how we think about God, Satan, good and evil, and, most importantly, how we approach the Bible to find answers.

I will publish one lecture per day on the blog, with each lecture being about 1,000 words. That should be a great 5 minute “devotional” for you as we go through the 34-ish lectures. So I encourage you to join me and read through Job, starting today, and see if after a month’s time you don’t look at your Bible differently.

If at the end you want to download them all, I’ll have a PDF made up for you to do so. That way you can reference them easier in the future.

Stay tuned, your Ancient Near-Eastern adventure awaits. (Yes, I know this isn’t Disney, but after these lectures you’ll feel the same way).

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