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Job 33, Exegetical Notes from Abner Chou

Job 33:1

This chapter begins with an extreme word of contrast “But...”. There is a massive shift that occurs here. In chapter 32 Elihu attacks Job’s friends. On one hand Elihu demonstrates his humility and deference. On the other hand, there is a massive assertion of failure. All of this points to the fact that there is something new that needs to be introduced and there is an assumption that Elihu will introduce it.

The “However” or “But” here is a shift from smacking the friends around to talking to Job. Elihu begins to exhort Job. Elihu must establish what will later be called but has always been Ethos. Elihu is not intentionally engaging in Greek rhetoric, but he is engaging Job in a level of comradery. Ethos is the ability to show by your own ability that you should be listened to.

Elihu is now coming to Job and trying to gain with him a rapport/hearing. The particle “please” is Elihu trying to come alongside of Job and be emotional to him and demonstrating a request. This particle is unique in Job, the person who uses this particle the most is Job when he is asking God to please hear him. It is only used two other times here. This is the first time someone has come up to Job and asked “please”. This makes Elihu different from his friends. Most commentary will ignore this particle, but it is a part of Elihu’s strategy.

Do you understand how to counsel people on a pastoral level? You don’t come up and just say “Do it!” you say “please”. There is an attitude of please that comes in compassion and empathy.

Job 33:2

Elihu is bending over backwards to reach out to Job. Remember, Elihu is angry but is because something was done against God, but he works through it with compassion. Elihu is probably not just giving with empty words for two reasons. There is a word play that happens here and it is with “mouth”. The word for mouth is palate and it not just what you move with your lips. It is what you use to taste to discern things. Job has used this term before saying he can “taste what’s good and bad” in Job 12:11. What Elihu is doing is telling Job to discern him because he has tried to discern Job.

Job 33:3

This is what Job is supposed to discern. Uprightness of heart means that the motivations are not twisted or wrong, they are conforming to what God desires. Sincerely means purity which means there is not ulterior motive. Elihu is not doing this for bad reasons. Here someone may say he is claiming divine revelation here but look at it in context and it is quite different.

Job 33:5-6

Here Elihu is saying that he and job are part of the skin and bones. Pointing out that they are not enemies and that Elihu is one of him. Elihu is recognizing that he is not God, God is the one who gives him life. He is sensitive to pure motives because he is accountable to Him. Sometimes it is good to point out that you are not above someone, you are one of them. Classic one finger points to you and three to me.

Job 33:7

Notice what Job says, there is no reason to be intimidated by him. All of this is gaining ethos with the people. Saying that he is not like his friends. What he has to say is different and he is going to show people that not by what he says but how he says it.

Job 33:8

Elihu is simply saying that he listened. Remember, Job accused his friends of not listening.

Job 33:9-11

The question is “Is this true?”. Does Job say that he has not sinned and there is inequity in him? To be fair, he doesn’t use those precise words, but if you're giving Elihu the benefit of the doubt and remember the last chapter that Job talks. He has the attitude of self-righteousness, so Elihu is kind of right. Job does say “God has found an occasion against me” in Chapter 9 verse 17. Verse 11 is a direction quotation of Job in Chapter 13 verse 27 so Elihu has listened and summarize Job at least relatively correct.

Job 33:12

Remember Kingsley’s call, being in right standing. Elihu is saying this is where Job became right in his own eyes, but not in God’s. Elihu points out that there is an implication that job has not really thought of. The idea is that God is greater than you so you must be wrong, but Elihu is going to draw a different implication.

Job 33:13

Why is it that Job demands an answer? That is Elihu's question, why would Job have the right? God’s greatness should make you not question him. Job has an attitude of cynicism that is wrong.

Job 33:14

God spoke but mad does not see it. This is the same as the phrase “God works in mysterious ways”. The point is Job doesn't know what He does.

Job 33:15

This is ironic because Elihu is kind of making fun of Eliphaz. This is also ironic because when you are asleep you are not awake, you are not aware of what is going on yet God works things out while you are asleep.

Job 33:19

It is not just in a dream; it is also when you are on your bed in pain. Not just mysteriously when you are peacefully in bed, he works in your suffering. In verse 13 it is asking why you sometimes strife with God and now your bones strive with you. They are telling you something, you just didn’t listen. The whole time you ask God to give you an answer and the whole time the answer was in your suffering. You get this because it is the same word in verse 13 that is in verse 19.

That is the point, Elihu is a genius at wording, and this is another pun that he has made. Elihu’s point is to be careful what you wish for because you might get it.