This page is a listing of all the authors and books who have influenced me in a way where if you ask me what I learned from them I can give you a clear answer.
Robert Pirsig
Charles Krauthammer
Flannery O’Connor
JD Salinger
Ernest Hemingway
ND Wilson
CS Lewis
Mark Helprin
Tim Keller
John MacArthur
RC Sproul
Albert Camus
Joseph Heller
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Marilynn Robinson
Grandma Writer
Dorothy Sayers
Francis Schaefer!
Graham Greene
John Williams
Phil and Leland Ryken
James Sire
Abner Chou
C.H. Spurgeon
Ted kluck
David Foster Wallace!
Elon Musk
Tim Ferris’s
John Todd
John Piper
The Art of Manliness
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Ravi Zacharias
John Adams
P.G. Wodehouse
Cal Newport
NT Wright
Robbie Jonathan Sacks
Michael Card
Rich Mullins
Joseph Heller
William Faulkner
Victor Hugo
Dumas (Count of Monte Christo and Three Musketeers)
J.I. Packer
Mortimer Adler
Paul Johnson (The Intellectuals)
John Frame
Al Mohler
Mark Dever
A.W Pink
A.W. Tozer
G.K. Chesterton!
Stephen Dempster
Madeleine L’Engle
Douglas Wilson
Randy Alcorn
James K.A. Smith
Baylor English professor
Professor Drout
Wendell Berry